
Südzucker AG is the one of the world’s largest sugar manufacturers and suppliers and one of the leading companies in the food industry. The company is also involved in processing and production of agricultural raw materials such as starch, chilled/frozen products, packaging materials, bioethanol and fruit preparations/fruit juice concentrates. Südzucker focuses on largescale agricultural commodity processing and refining; and business-to-business marketing.

The company operates production facilities and refineries across Europe, North America, Asia, Australia/Oceania and Africa. Südzucker is headquartered in Mannheim, Germany. The company’s business model is primarily based on largescale conversion of agricultural materials into high-quality products. The main shareholder are sugar beet farmers, holding 56 % of the share capital.

Role in the project

Secured sourcing of raw materials is of primordial importance for any industrial process. Three main feedstocks are being considered for this project: sugar beet molasses, pulp and bioethanol. Südzucker AG (SZ), the worldwide largest sugar producer, is going to supply Afyren Neoxy with these raw materials from their production sites in Europe.
Important points that will be addressed in this work-package dedicated to feedstock management are:
• Testing of different sources of feedstock coming from SZ to have them qualified for the AFYREN NEOXY process and thus avoid any delay in the start-up of the plant.
• Innovative concepts on storage and logistics of feed-stock will be elaborated to generate more flexibility on both sides, supplier and user.
• Regulatory aspects concerning the different feedstocks will be addressed to get them qualified for Afyren’s downstream applications.
• The feed-stock market will be surveyed and new sources of vinasses will be identified and validated in the industrial process.