As an innovation consulting company, PNO Consultants provides various support services to private and public organisations with innovative projects. Over 250 professionals including scientists, engineers, consultants, an advisory service dedicated to the various European Commission programmes, as well as financial and legal experts work for the Group. The staff is distributed among 30 offices in 7 European countries, thus allowing a thorough coverage of the available support systems and in close collaboration with customers and public partners. Founded in 1985 at the University of Delft, PNO is a high-growth, knowledge-based company that operates and operates a European network of partners and consortia. This growth is due to a unique combination of services, based on in-depth knowledge of investment and innovation financing strategies and more than 500 financing programmes in most EU countries. PNO operates in various and varied fields such as: Agrofood, Bioeconomy, Chemistry, Energy, Environment and Circular Energy, Health Life Sciences, ICT and Transport.
Furthermore, PNO has established itself as a key player in the bio-economy sector. The group enjoys a strong client base and track record in the interlinked chemical industry, biotech and ecoinnovation sectors, with a particular insight in EU policies, funding projects and programmes in 12 European countries. PNO has produced a practical guide to support the Biobased Industry crossing bridges and optimizing funding possibilities. To help this sector make maximum use of the synergy possibilities, the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and PNO Consultants (PNO) published the practical guide « Combining BBI (H2020) and European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) to deploy the European bioeconomy ». In addition, PNO is involved as advisor in roadmap development for the chemical industry towards Public Private Partnership Programmes in HORIZON 2020 (e.g.: SPIRE), with an important focus on industrial biotech, as well as European networking and incubator projects with various smart specialization regions which will provide a real-life experience basis. Last but not the least, PNO has supported the European Commission DG GROWTH Expert Group on Biobased Products on the evaluation of a continental scale Biobased Product Public Procurement Program.
Role in the project
PNO is engaged daily in promoting and stimulating innovations in Food&Agro, Bioeconomy, Chemistry and materials, Climate, Energy, Environment, ICT, Life Sciences & Health. The French company will be directly involved in the AFTER-BIOCHEM project to ensure a successful and smooth running of the project and to further maximise its results. It will intervene on key aspects to the good progress of the AFTER-BIOCHEM project, and especially support the Project Coordinator, AFYREN NEOXY, providing administrative, legal and financial assistance to the project. PNO will work together with IAR IAR on the Exploitation and Dissemination activities to promote the project to a wide audience and to facilitate the replication of the flagship facility in other European countries. It will disseminate the project's objectives, results and benefits with the aim to replicate the AFTER-BIOCHEM process and biorefinery flagship. PNO will mobilise their Bioeconomy network around this strategic project and will ensure the project participation and visibility in the most important European and International biomass, bioeconomy and biotechnology congress.